Shirley Florist
10, Jalan 1/67B, Jalan Mengkudu, Off Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
(Behind Restoran Hari Hari Datang 美食天天来 美食中心后面)
 +6012-697 3383


Artificial Plant (Sell & Rent)

** Notice **
 - We take 3 - 10 days to proceed your order

19 - 36 of 86

1.6m Dracaena Fragrans AP543 floristkl

1.8m Heavenly Bamboo QM435 floristkl (Rent Available)

2m Phoenix Palm AP540 floristkl (Rent Available)

RM 500.00Add to CartRM 380.00Add to CartRM 430.00Add to Cart

6ft New Agave Tree AP216 floristkl (Rent Available)

5ft Lucky Plant AP107 floristkl (Rent Available)

5ft Watermelon Tree APL323 floristkl (Rent Available)

RM 420.00Add to CartRM 350.00Add to CartRM 440.00Add to Cart

1.5m Cadalium Plant TA433

7ft Spathiphyllum Mauna AP212

5ft Dracaena Fragrans AP102 floristkl (Rent Available)

RM 250.00Add to CartRM 520.00Add to CartRM 230.00Add to Cart

2m Banyan Tree SG429 floristkl (Rent Available)

4ft Lemon Tree AP214 floristkl

4.5ft Olive Tree AP749 (Rent available)

RM 380.00Add to CartRM 290.00Add to CartRM 250.00Add to Cart

6ft Lily Bamboo Green QM748 (Rent available)

Artificial White Orchid plant (AOP-001)

Artificial Orange Orchid plant (AOP-003)

RM 330.00Add to CartRM 600.00Add to CartRM 480.00Add to Cart

Artificial White Orchid plant (AOP-002)

7 Ft Loh Hang Song Tree (FS073)

7 Ft Phoenix Palm (FS029)

RM 450.00Add to CartRM 520.00Add to CartRM 480.00Out of Stock
19 - 36 of 86

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